£25 per year

Register your .app domain

Sn-.app up your domain

Use a .app domain name to share your creation with the world – it's all in the name.

*Multi-year registrations only

Why choose Fasthosts for your .app domain?

24/7 expert support

If you need expert assistance or advice, we’re just a phone call away!

Security you can trust

Our UK data centres keep millions of domains secure and running smoothly.

Unlimited email forwarding

Unlimited addresses (like help@ and sales@) divert emails to the right place.

Free transfers and auto-renewals

Already own a .app domain? Transfer your name to Fasthosts for free!

Complete DNS control

Take control of your Domain Name System with support for unlimited subdomains.

Anycast DNS

Get global customers to your site faster with free Anycast DNS.

What can a .app domain do for you?

Your domain name is more than just a website address…

A domain to app-reciate

The .app domain is instantly recognisable – you can stand out from your competitors all while promoting what you do in just 3 characters.

Brand protection

.app domains are picked up quickly, so protect your next big idea by registering your domain name today.

Endless uses

There's no limit to who can use the .app domain name ‐ whether you're a developer, programmer, or complete tech newbie.

How to choose a .app domain name

Struggling to decide on the best .app domain name? We’ve got some top tips to make your website stand out…

Size does matter

While your domain name can be up to 63 characters, shorter ones are easier to remember and harder to misspell.

Steer clear of numbers

Using numbers in your domain name can be confusing. If you need to use a number, consider registering a domain for each format.

Keep it simple

A domain name is the first thing people see when they find your site. So keep it short, sweet, and easy to type in a rush.

Avoid special characters

Avoid characters like exclamation marks and underscores. And if you need to use a hyphen, don’t put it first or last.

Get more from your .app domain name

WordPress Hosting

Build, host, and manage your WordPress website with ease. From built-in security, flexible performance upgrades and automatic backups, to a free domain, lifetime SSL certificate, and pro mailbox – our WordPress Hosting has got you covered.

Get started now for only £1 per month.


Boost your brand with every email you send. Use your .app domain in your email address and give your customers the best first impression. And with the latest antivirus and anti-spam protection, you can sit back, relax, and focus on the important stuff.

Get over 50% off for the first 12 months.


Website Builder

Creating an online store doesn’t have to be complex. Use our Ecommerce Website Builder to effortlessly design an impressive webstore fast. You’ll get lots of freebies too, like a domain for a year, an SSL certificate, and a professional email address.

Try now for £11/month.


Have you considered something else?

Looking for a different extension? Want to register more domain names alongside your .app?
Here are a few we think you might like.

.com domains

Get the world's most popular domain extension.

1 year for

First year


then £15.82 per year
*Two per customer. New customers only. *Multi-year registrations only

Find a .com
.tech domains

If you’re a tech pro then a .tech is for you.

1 year for

First year


then £49.99 per year

*Multi-year registrations only

Find a .tech
.dev domains

Release your inner dev with a .dev domain.


per year

Find a .dev
.io domains

Show you’re switched on with a .io.


per year

Find a .io

Real support from real people, 24/7

Our expert customer support teams are always available to help you, your sites, and your clients. No matter what time you're working, we've got you covered.

Frequently asked questions

Got questions about .app domain names? Our FAQs will answer the most common queries.

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