What is dedicated hosting?

Dedicated hosting is a type of web hosting where an entire physical server (or servers) is leased to a single client – otherwise known as a dedicated server. This means that no resources such as memory or processing power are shared with anyone else. While most tenants may opt for shared hosting packages due to their needs and budget, for real power, it has to be dedicated hosting.

Why choose dedicated hosting?

Generally, there are three main reasons why one might choose dedicated hosting:

  1. You’re fed up with your project being slowed down by other tenants sharing the same server.
  2. You need more space to compensate for the growing demand from your project.
  3. You need some additional features for your project that aren’t supported or available in your current plan.

Whether you're looking at dedicated servers for one of the reasons above or all three, we're going to walk you through the ins and outs of dedicated hosting below.

What is dedicated server hosting?

As the name suggests, dedicated hosting is a web hosting option where a physical server is used exclusively by a single tenant, with all server resources "dedicated" to them and their projects.

There are many benefits to choosing dedicated hosting, not least of all the increase in computing power. But, as you might expect, added power comes with added costs and other things to consider, so it's important to do your research and decide if it’s right for your project, before taking the plunge.

The benefits of dedicated hosting

The fact that you get the whole server to yourself accounts for many of the benefits of dedicated servers. You’ll have free reign to optimise it for your unique needs, including performance and security.

Here’s all the other benefits you can expect from a dedicated hosting plan:

  • Performance: As the only tenant, you'll never compete for resources, and unlimited bandwidth means you can withstand even the highest traffic loads, and you’re less likely to be slowed down.
  • Scalability: When you choose a dedicated hosting package, you'll be able to choose exactly the configuration you need. This includes the CPU, RAM, storage, and more.
  • Security: A major benefit of dedicated hosting is the high level of security. With only you on the server, it means that there’s no need to worry about cybersecurity threats from neighbouring users.
  • Flexibility: Dedicated hosting gives you complete root-level access, allowing you to fully manage your server’s configuration so you can chop, change and optimise to your heart's content.
  • Control: As the single tenant of a dedicated environment, your organisation has full control of the server, its apps and operating systems.

If your business is big enough to warrant it, then dedicated hosting is a great option.

The disadvantages of dedicated hosting

Although the benefits definitely outweigh the disadvantages, nonetheless there are a few downsides to consider about dedicated hosting.

  • Cost: In comparison to other options, dedicated server hosting can be on the expensive side, so if you’re looking to budget – this server may not be for you.
  • Maintenance: When it comes to dedicated servers, some technical knowledge is needed to manage and maintain your hosting. There’s also daily monitoring required, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

If this hasn’t put you off dedicated hosting plans altogether, then let’s run through whether or not dedicated hosting is right for you.

Why you would need a dedicated server

Now that we’ve weighed up the pros and cons of dedicated hosting, why exactly would you need one?

  • Increase in traffic: If your website is growing, and you’re experiencing a higher level of traffic, it’s probably time to upgrade to a new hosting package. Dedicated servers are great for dealing with increased traffic.
  • Looking for more security: Unlike shared hosting, dedicated servers are for single accounts only, and this means better security. So if you’re dealing with sensitive information, dedicated hosting can provide you with the security you need.
  • Improve page loading speed: Page speeds are an essential part of every website. Chances are if your page loading speed is poor, more customers will leave your site. However, with all of the resources to yourself, dedicated hosting can optimise page speeds efficiently.

Is dedicated hosting right for you?

There are many benefits to dedicated hosting, and there are many applicable use cases of dedicated servers. But is it right for your needs?

Here are some typical examples of scenarios where having a dedicated server would be necessary:

  • Midsize to large companies (500 employees or more) that house large amounts of data.
  • System administrators, developers and information technology businesses or professionals, who need to customise highly resource-intensive web applications.
  • Web hosting resellers that need dedicated servers to host clients’ websites or applications.

Comparing your options is never a bad start if you're unsure. Why not read through our blog on shared hosting vs dedicated hosting to give you a better idea of what you have to choose from?

If you're still unsure about going dedicated, talk to a member of our sales team. They'll be able to answer any questions you may have.