How to choose a domain name

Picking a domain name may seem trivial at first glance, but it’s an iconic part of your brand. That’s why choosing the right one is so important.

But how exactly do you pick the perfect domain name?

How to choose a good domain name

1. Pick a TLD

A major part of any domain name is the TLD. What does this mean, you may ask? Well, a TLD stands for top level domain and is usually found at the end of a URL. For example, ‘.com’ and ‘’ are both TLDs.

There are also country-code TLDs (ccTLDs) which make a URL more specific to a particular country. So, if your website is catering purely to residents of France, you may want to use the ccTLD ‘.fr’.

Deciding which TLD to use will benefit your website massively. If you're unsure, we'd suggest using one of the well-known generic TLDs, as users will be much more familiar with those than new TLDs like ‘.photography’.

2. Use keywords in your domain name

Keywords are super versatile and they can be used for many things other than on-page SEO. If they fit, they can actually be used as part of your domain name. You probably already have a list of target keywords for your new site, so could any of these be incorporated into your domain name?

The benefit of including keywords in your domain is that it tells Google more about your site and may contribute to your rankings. Learn more about how to choose an SEO-friendly domain name.

3. Is your domain name memorable?

What do you want users to remember when they visit your website? Well, the domain name would be a good start. Picking a name that’s memorable is always the goal, so avoid crazy spellings if you can. We’ve probably all fallen victim to forgetting a website, and it can be as annoying for the user as the site owner themselves.

4. Keep your domain name short

This tip links in with the one above – the shorter your domain name is, the better. Who is it better for? Well, everyone. Users will be more likely to remember your domain if there is less of it to forget. This means you’ll most likely see repeat customers and higher levels of traffic over time. Learn more about choosing the right domain name length.

5. Check the history of a domain

Before you register your domain, do some research and check that it isn’t registered with another business already. No one wants to deal with trademark issues.

It’s also important to check the history of a domain name, as it’s possible your domain had a previous home. Search engine rankings can be skewed if your domain has already been around the block, so make sure you research it thoroughly.

6. Multiple channel use

As it’s likely that you’ll be using your new domain name on your social media channels, make sure that it’s compatible. What we mean is to check that no one has beaten you to it and is already using it as their handle. Not only will this be frustrating, but it’ll also be tricky to link your site and socials together without the same name. A way around this is to use ‘official’ before your social media @, or to add some sort of differentiation.

7. Register multiple domains

At the time of choosing your domain name, it might be beneficial to consider registering multiple domains. Many sites snap up domains that are similar to their own, with differentiations including typos or misspellings. They do this to protect their sites from typosquatting, which is when other sites take advantage of a typo someone may enter into a search engine. This can lead to these sites stealing traffic and customers from your site.

8. Register your domain name quickly

With approximately 8,773 domains registered in 2021 alone, there’s all the more reason to snap up that perfect name ASAP. The competition can be fierce, so once you’ve decided on the ideal domain name for your site, which can also be used on socials, don’t hang around.

We hope that you’ve been able to choose a good domain name through our helpful tips. Changing your domain name is possible, so don’t worry too much if you don’t get it right the first time.

If you’re interested in learning more about the domain name process, don’t hesitate to get in contact with our team. Or, check out our blog for more helpful domain information.