Business How to protect your website this #SafeInternetDay Happy Safe Internet Day! We know what you’re thinking – “Does everything need its own day?” But today is an important one. While we’re all for celebrating the good... read more
Digital Don’t get caught out by cyber scamming elves this Christmas Ah, Christmas! The season of mince pies, Mariah Carey, and a spike in traffic for your online business. But while you’re focused on end-of-year deals and deliveries, scammers are... read more
Digital VPS firewall – what do you need to know? If you’ve just bought one of our brand new VPS, or are considering making the purchase, you may have a few questions you’d like answered. One of these... read more
Security 4 cyber threats to watch out for this summer Planning on heading to a sun-soaked beach this summer? You better pack protection, because jellyfish aren’t the only stingers you need to watch out for… Let’s dive headfirst... read more
Digital Google’s email policy updates – what you need to know Last month, Google and Yahoo implemented some changes which impact bulk email senders. These updates included improvements to security, privacy and the overall user experience. As these changes will likely... read more
Security How to stay safe as an online business So you’ve got your business up and running and you’re now onto creating an online presence. Your website fits with your brand message and theme, you’ve set... read more
Business Keep it professional – the art of separating work from home Starting a new business is an exciting venture, so you want to make sure you’re able to put as much time as you can into it. There’s so... read more
Servers Our jargon busting guide New to the world of hosting, servers and domains? Google is great, but when it comes to techie terms, a quick search can make things even more confusing. Definitions tend... read more
Security The Cookie Monster – why cookies are more sinister than you think Whether you believe in ghosts or ghouls, there's no denying that the real monster is digital. The average Brit spends about 3.5 hours a day online, and... read more
Security 5 common cybersecurity mistakes As you may be aware, cyber attacks are on the rise. It’s the reason so many businesses are in a rush to implement cybersecurity measures and protect themselves from... read more
Security Hiding in the shadows – What is Shadow IT? When you hear the term ‘Shadow IT’, you might think of a hacker in a dark room with some eerie music in the background. The truth is much less sinister.... read more
Security Security 101: 5 top tips to keep your site safe Gone are the days when you could leave your front door unlocked without fear. Today you need a big padlock, plenty of “Do Not Enter” tape and a chair against... read more
Security Password fails that caused mayhem Notoriously forgotten, often complex, but essential when it comes to online security. We’re of course talking about passwords – those strings of characters used to protect important and sometimes incredibly... read more