Your infrastructure, our responsibility

Running a business and managing your services at the same time isn’t easy. Don’t worry, we can help! We offer managed services, taking on the responsibility of infrastructure management. Let us take that one off your to-do list.

Find out more

What problems can we solve?

  • No resource for infrastructure management or admin
  • Worries of cyber threats, but no time or budget to keep up with security
  • Need expert help & guidance
  • Issues with performance
  • Need 24/7 infrastructure monitoring

Who we help

No matter who you are or what you do, we can help. Whether you’re an ecommerce store, healthcare professional or digital agency, let us find a solution that works for you.

Selling online

Improve your customers’ experience, optimise operations and increase ROI.


Leverage expertise, ensure optimal performance, and maintain a scalable, secure infrastructure.

Legal & Financial

Keep client data protected, while also improving your processes.


Deliver new student outcomes and journeys, underpinned by a top-tier platform.

Digital and agencies

Grow your client-base while we look after your infrastructure.


Increase your efficiency, leverage data and reduce costs with ease.


Secure sensitive data and make your infrastructure work for you.


Partner with us to help streamline operations and scale effectively

Tailored to your business needs

We design and build a solution that’s tailored to your business’ goals and needs. There’s no pre-built packages, so you’ll get everything you need, plus expert support and guidance every step of the way.
Let's chat

Infrastructure Monitoring

Our team monitors your infrastructure 24/7 – no more worries about outages. We’ll also predict future resource needs.

Server Management

Your servers are in good hands with our experts. They’ll take care of configurations, documentation and daily management.

Vulnerability Detection

We’ll regularly scan your servers to spot any weak points, identifying vulnerabilities so that you can address them earlier.

Certificate Management

Never worry about expiring certificates taking your business offline – we do that for you, keeping on top of everything.

Patch Management

Our engineers will patch your virtual servers with the latest software. And we’ll always keep you in the loop.

Managed Backups

We’ll set up routine differential and full backups, with regular testing to maintain data integrity and the ability to restore and retrieve data.

Infrastructure Analysis

We analyse your infrastructure and measure trends to help you understand your systems, using collected data for regular reporting.

DNS Management

We’ll take on updating and controlling your DNS records, so you’ll stay online, records are maintained and everyone’s happy!

Application monitoring

Performing tailored scans on business-critical applications in your environment, taking action on events and alerts to enhance availability.

Your SMB, our platform

We’ve got the skills and expertise to keep your infrastructure safe, online and sustainable. Trust us and our platform to support your business.

Top tier

Our data centre in Worcester is built to a Tier IV standard – the highest certification! Plus, we’ve got incredible uptime. 99.999% in fact.

ISO 27001 certified

Your data’s safe with us – we’re ISO 27001 certified, showing that we prioritise best practices for information security.

ISO 50001 certified

Our data centres have tons of energy-efficient features, are powered by 100% renewable energy, and we’re ISO 50001 certified for our energy usage.

Global reach

With data centres in the UK, Germany, Spain and the USA, we provide geo-redundancy, reliability and connectivity to support critical applications.

How can we help your SMB?

Let’s have a chat! Tell us about your challenges and goals, so we can help develop the solution for you.

Next level customer care

No bots, just real people. Our team of experts will monitor and manage 24/7, so you never have to stress about downtime. You’ll also get a dedicated Client Success Manager, invested in your business’ future just as much as you are.

Totally transparent pricing

All of our solutions are designed and implemented tailored to your business and budget. This means that we can be totally transparent about our pricing. Everything is clear and pricing is fixed – no surprises, no hidden costs.

The best in performance

No matter how big or small your infrastructure, we’ll make sure it’s always performing at your best. With flexible, secure and cost-effective environments and 99.999% uptime, you’ll never lose out. Minimal disruption, maximum performance.

Completely compliant

Sensitive data is kept secure in data centres across UK, Spain, Germany and USA, including our data centre in Worcester which is Tier IV certified, offering industry-leading security helping you follow compliance guidelines for your industry.

Our Approach

Before we build you a solution, we get to know your business because everyone is different and it’s not a one-package-fits-all kind of deal! We want to make sure you’re getting exactly what you need.


Our process starts by taking a look at your current environment, challenges and goals. We do this so we can understand how big the migration will be, and allow our Solutions Consultants to build a solution completely bespoke to your business.


We’ll plan the migration to a time that works for you. This means making sure there’s minimal disruption to your business. We’ll transfer your files and data to the new environment, and complete data integrity checks to ensure things go smoothly.

Test and go live

Great news – migration is complete! We can now work with you to test and ensure everything’s functioning and performing as expected. After testing, we’ll make the changes to the target environment, do a final sync and keep monitoring for issues.


We’ll then provide Hypercare – our Support Team keeps tabs on your systems to make sure no issues arise. Your Client Success Manager will also have regular calls with you and we can arrange sessions with your team on how the new environment works.

Ready when you are

If you’re ready to migrate or want to find out more? Get in touch! We can’t wait to hear all about your business.

Book a meeting

Set up a meeting with our team at a time and date that works for you!

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Rather chat on the phone? Not a problem! Call from 9-5 on the number below.

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