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Star Outico:
Saving lives of COVID patients
through pharmaceutical data

Fasthosts provides powerful servers for Star OUTiCO to support pharmaceutical and healthcare companies engage with healthcare professionals and ensure patient care is optimised in the areas where they’re most in need.


Being based in the beautiful Georgian city of Bath makes perfect sense for Star OUTiCO, the insight-driven pharmaceutical sales company. The entire city was a medical hub from the 1700s onwards owing to its spa waters.

Fast forward 300 years and rather than people travelling to Bath for treatment, Star OUTiCO is taking the treatment to them. Specifically, the company supports the healthcare system through teams of pharmaceutical sales representatives and other services, which are supported with analytics to ensure their efforts are carefully optimised.

Gone are the days of a sales rep taking an educated guess at where there is the greatest need for patients. Star OUTiCO utilises information to deliver advanced insights that enable its teams and solutions to deliver the right information and support through the use of data about the prevalence of illnesses, demographics and prescribing trends, to name but a few.

It's all about time and cost for us. It's as simple as that. The Fasthosts team is agile, responsive, and fast.
- Callum Green, Business Insights and Solutions Architect at Star OUTiCO

The result? Reps can focus on the areas where there’s a proven need for the drugs they’re responsible for selling and where value for patients is optimised. The data matches demand and supply, which makes the process not just a “sales” job but more one of ensuring the best patient outcomes.

Nowhere has this been more effective than during the pandemic. As Callum Green, Business Insights and Solutions Architect at Star OUTiCO explains, Clients have products that offer benefits for the patient and our healthcare system. For example, there are treatments for COVID-19 patients that can reduce the recovery time significantly. It’s important that healthcare professionals understand where a product could be used and its benefits for their patients, but importantly how it may also support their local healthcare system.

The speed of getting this information to the right people is imperative, therefore applying fast, real-time accurate information from data to understand where the highest levels of hospital admissions are and directing our teams to this information needs to happen fast.”

We’re using data to reduce the burden on the NHS. If each patient who gets the treatment is able to achieve positive outcomes, the impact can be huge across the whole health system.

Callum says Fasthosts supports Star OUTiCO in two ways. We have virtual servers that host our client portals so customers can access reports and progress about the activity of their sales reps. The servers also hold our big data platform, which allows us to collate, manage and interpret the data that’s so crucial in directing activity.

When Callum is asked why Star OUTiCO chose Fasthosts, he says, They’ve been crucial in helping our business develop in recent years. It’s all about time and cost for us. It’s as simple as that. The Fasthosts team is agile, responsive and fast. We have an account manager who is available at the drop of a hat, offering a personalised service.

When it comes to cost, choosing Fasthosts was a no-brainer. They’re 60-70 per cent cheaper than the big hosting firms. That’s not to say the products and services we use are 60-70 per cent worse. It’s about having a supplier that’s the right size for our business. We don’t need the colossal resources of a global firm. We’ve got the perfect solution at a fixed price, based in the EU, which allows us to manage hardware costs without worrying about using slightly more processing power from one month to the next.

Callum isn’t shy when he says that Fasthosts is helping his team support patients and organisations through the current pandemic. The technology we have from Fasthosts is the backbone of what we do. It’s saving lives right now with COVID treatment. However, he’s also keen to point out that this is just one example of how it can achieve great results. There’s a much bigger strategy for the business.

When it comes to cost, choosing Fasthosts was a no-brainer. We don't need the colossal resources of a global firm. We've got the perfect solution at a fixed price, based in the UK.
- Callum Green, Business Insights and Solutions Architect at Star OUTiCO

Despite the pharmaceutical industry being based on hard data, research and science, when it comes to sales, it’s quite old fashioned, he enthuses. We’re moving the industry forward. Not just by using existing data, but by equipping sales teams with tools that can deliver predictive and prescriptive insights. It can even use artificial intelligence to recognise how we can become more effective in our conversations and solutions.

The combination of the best people, with best data is Callum’s vision. Empowered by Fasthosts, he believes the business will be able to predict where drugs will be needed and then empower reps to act in the most efficient, effective and ethical ways to supply them.

This benefits patients, the NHS and healthcare companies. What’s not to like?

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